
Closing the Loop | Seventeen Seventy Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Plan

28 November 2023

The Coastal Adaptation and Resilience Plan (CARP) is now complete and has provided Council with a pathway to plan for and adapt to pressures such as erosion and inundation on coastal areas, environment and foreshore assets along the Seventeen Seventy Foreshore.

How we heard from you...

Engagement activities were conducted between February and April 2023 using a variety of methods.

Table of engagement activities, timeframes and participation.

📷 Details on each 1770 CARP engagement activity.

What we heard...

The comments and discussions from all engagement activities, combined with insights captured in previous projects, contributed to the summary of the community's Shared Vision and Values.

Shared vision and values for the Seventeen Seventy foreshore held by the community.

📷 Shared vision and values for Seventeen Seventy's foreshore

Throughout the engagement, we consulted with the community on adaption options for eight assets which were identified as at risk or requiring intervention, including:

  • Endeavour Park
  • Boardwalk between Endeavour Park and Air Sea Rescue Park
  • Footpath at the foot of Captain Cook Drive
  • Kayaks/crafts stored along the foreshore
  • Boardwalk with rock armour revetment
  • Air Sea Rescue Park
  • Toilet block and parking lots at Air Sea Rescue Park
  • Pocket beach next to Volunteer Marine Rescue

What was the outcome...

The engagement activities have provided a great insight into what the community values about their foreshore, future management of the assets within it, and management of the region more broadly.

It is important to note that the community’s Vision and Values have strong alignment with Traditional Owner values and that strong relationships and collaboration with all facets of the community will contribute to a holistic view of community values and priorities.

Community value was one of the factors used to determine the 'intervention level' of each asset, alongside risk, level of service, feasibility asset life and economic value.

Explanation of different Intervention levels assisted to assets in the project.

📷 Intervention levels and the actions recommended.

The following intervention levels have been recommended for the eight assets as well as an additional five which were identifed as future projects for Council.

Key assets in the Seventeen Seventy Foreshore area and their assigned intervention levels.

📷 Key assets and the intervention levels recommended.

The recommendations in the completed plan with be used to prioritise and guide future work for Council in the Seventeen Seventy foreshore area.

The combined Values and Visions will also be a valuable tool which can be utilised in other projects taking place in the area.

Thank you to every community member who took the time to share their thoughts, complete our survey or attend one of our engagement events.