What is the project?

Gladstone Regional Council has developed an Access and Inclusion Action Plan to enhance the inclusion and accessibility experience for our people, customers, community and visitors, as part of the 2023/24 Operational Plan.

This Action Plan provides guiding principles for Council aimed at enhancing and facilitating equitable access, encouraging participation and promoting greater understanding for all members of the Gladstone Region community and beyond.

Council engaged with residents and community groups to better understand their needs and the barriers they've experienced when accessing Council information, services, events and facilities.

What is the latest update on the project?

At Council’s General Meeting on 18 June 2024, Council endorsed the Gladstone Regional Council Access and Inclusion Action Plan 2024-27, a series of action items that form a three-year roadmap towards our goal: to improve accessibility and inclusivity.

It is an organisation-wide plan that is designed to benefit all of the community and a commitment to view accessibility and inclusion as a priority in everything we do.

Priority Areas

How can I join the conversation?

Stage 2

Draft Access and Inclusion Action Plan

Other ways to make a written submission

Stage 1

What else do I need to know?

An Access and Inclusion Action Plan is a series of objectives and action items that form a roadmap towards better accessibility and inclusivity for our community.

Access and Inclusion Action Plans are emerging as best practice throughout Australia. Although not currently mandated in Queensland, many local governments are developing or have already completed their action plans.

The development of the Access and Inclusion Action Plan is an initiative within Council’s Operational Plan 2023/24 and is a priority for Council moving forward.

Council's Community Partnership team are leading the development of the Access and Inclusion Action Plan, as an initiative of the 2023/24 Operational Plan.

Council has procured Get Skilled Access (GSA) as a consultant to facilitate internal and external engagement and produce the Action Plan. GSA is a disability inclusion consulting firm founded by wheelchair tennis champion, Paralympian and 2022 Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott AO.

The Action Plan will be holistic in that it will be designed to benefit all of community.

Council recognises that certain groups and/or individuals in our community may have different accessibility needs and different experiences of inclusion.

While the plan will have a whole of community approach, we are particularly interested in understanding the needs and experiences of people with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, seniors, young people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, and people who identify as LGBTQIA+.

Each action item on the plan will be assigned to a team within Council who will be responsible for implementing the change or initiative.

Regular monitoring and reporting will keep Council accountable for the delivery of the action items and will keep the momentum going towards a more accessible and inclusive Council.

Feedback will be sought from the Community to ensure that the Action Plan is achieving its objectives and meeting community expectations.