
Community shares their vision for future Mount Larcom Pool

26 October 2023

On Saturday, Mayor Matt Burnett, Councillors and Council officers hosted a community meeting to share an exciting update on the Mount Larcom Swimming Pool and learn more about the community’s vision for a future replacement.

Thank you to the community members who joined us and contributing to the conversation.

A special thank you to the QCWA Mount Larcom branch for providing a delicious afternoon tea for all to enjoy.

What we shared...

Council will be reopening the Mount Larcom Swimming Pool in December 2023 until 31 March 2024, as per its usual seasonal operating model.

The existing facility will continue to operate while designs are prepared for a proposed replacement facility.

Council will continue to engage with the community throughout the process to ensure the replacement meets the community’s current and future needs.

BlueFit are offering interested community members the opportunity to fill casual lifeguard roles.

If you’re over 16 years old and interested in learning more, please provide your details in the Expressions of Interest form on the Conversations project page.

What we asked...

The community meeting was an opportunity for Council to understand the community’s vision for a replacement pool.

We wanted to know what you saw as essential features for a new pool, what type of operating model the community wanted to see, what operating hours fit the community and where you would like to see a future pool being located.

Next step

Council will continue to seek feedback on the above questions over the next four weeks.

Complete our survey online (on the Conversations project page) or collect a hardcopy from the Mount Larcom Rural Transaction Centre, 47 Raglan Street, Mount Larcom.

Survey closes 23 November.

We look forward to sharing the outcome of our community engagement in December 2023.