National Tree Day was co-founded in 1996 by Planet Ark and Olivia Newton-John, and is the largest community tree planting and nature protection event in Australia.
This year Council invites our community to join our National Tree Day celebrations and tree planting activities on Sunday, 31 July 2021 at Cashin Park, Tannum Sands. RSVP by using the form below.
Council also invites our school communities to register their interest in a School Pack to host their own tree planting initiatives. Register your schools interest by using the form below.
Why Plant a Tree?

National Tree Day
RSVP to Plant
Fully Booked.
School Packs Registration
School Packs Registration
Schools can obtain a pack from Tondoon Botanic Gardens which includes plants and a care pack.
Register your interest below by Friday 22 July. School packs can be collected during the week of Monday 25 - Friday 29 July.
Previous - National Tree Day
2021 Photo Competition Winners
Congratulations to Michelle Patterson - the 18+ Category winner of the 2021 National Tree Day Photo Competition with 'Reflection'.
Congratulations to Marleigh Smith - the 17 Years and Under Category winner of the 2021 National Tree Day Photo Competition with 'Black and White Clusters of Trees'.
Thank you to everyone who entered this year to showcase how they connect with nature. We look forward to seeing what the community has to offer in 2022.

'Reflection' by Michelle Patterson

'Black and White Clusters of Trees' by Marleigh Smith