Project Overview

Gladstone Regional Council is reviewing our planning scheme, Our Place Our Plan, to understand if it is still fit for purpose and meeting the needs of our communities, businesses and industry. This 10-year review is also a requirement under the Planning Act 2016.

Our Place Our Plan sets the land use direction for how the Gladstone Region will grow and respond to change over time. It is an important tool to plan for the built and natural environment, regulate land use and to inform future investment.

We are currently in the first stage of our review, during which we need your feedback. This will help us to determine whether, and to what extent, the current planning scheme needs to be amended.

To provide your feedback on the current planning process and the planning scheme, please fill out the survey below.

If you have any questions, please email Council at .


A planning scheme is a framework for to manage and assess how land can be developed. The planning scheme for the Gladstone Region is called Our Place Our Plan.

A planning scheme takes information from state and regional policies and incorporates our local environment and context. State and regional policies apply to all local planning schemes in Queensland to ensure a consistent approach to local government planning systems and outcomes across the state.

A planning scheme sets out requirements for new development and guides the type of development that is considered suitable. It also identifies which land uses and types of development require development approval and the standards that new development should meet (including matters like building setbacks, building height, addressing natural hazards like flood, coastal and bushfire).

A planning scheme takes a long-term vision to appropriately balance economic, environmental and social matters.

Our Place Our Plan covers the entire Gladstone Local Government Area.

A 10-year review of local government planning schemes is a requirement under the Planning Act 2016. The review will assess how the planning scheme is working and what could be improved.

The Gladstone Region has changed since our planning scheme commenced in 2015.

Some of the benefits of the review include:

  • Ensuring planning requirements are as streamlined as possible;
  • Reducing the complexity of the planning scheme; and
  • Identifying opportunities for economic growth, environmental protection or improving social outcome.

The review will involve answering some key questions including:

  • Is Our Place Our Plan meeting community expectations and reflecting community values?
  • Is Our Place Our Plan fit for purpose given emerging industries and changes in state policy and legislation?
  • Are Council and stakeholders satisfied with the useability of the planning scheme?
  • How many years of land supply does the Gladstone Region have and does it meet the changing needs of community and industry?
  • Are the planning scheme provisions appropriate given population projection and demographic characteristics?

It is intended that the review will be completed mid-2024. Council will then make a decision on the best planning pathway. This could include replacing, amending or keeping the current scheme in its current form.

Once that decision has been made, we will advise the outcome and any next steps for the process.