Keep an eye out!

Youth Week schedule and booking links will be available here soon!

Youth Week 2020

Queensland Youth Week is held from 1 – 9 April 2020 and has a rich history with many years of annual celebrations across cities and towns in Queensland. Youth Week is targeted at young people aged between 12 - 25 years.

This year’s theme ‘Yeah the Youth’ encompasses a call to friendship, strength and unity between young people. It is also a celebration of what they offer our great state.

In recent years, Youth week has run a series of small activities in various locations around the region, with activities such as tennis coaching, kayaking, writing workshops, robotics workshops and movie marathons.

This year Gladstone Regional Council wishes to engage with the youth of our Region to determine events and locations that are of interest to them. To do this, Gladstone Regional Council will utilise the Conversations platform to ask our young people for feedback.

Youth Week theme 'Yeah the Youth'

Youth of Gladstone - Have your say!

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

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Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Gladstone Regional Council
Phone (07) 4970 0700