
Final Outcome

18 March 2020

On 18 February 2020 Council was presented a report regarding the Agnes Water to Baffle Creek Link Road project. The Council Resolved:

That, due to the capital and ongoing maintenance costs of an Agnes Water to Baffle Creek Link Road, Council resolves to:

  1. Remove the Agnes Water to Baffle Creek Link Road project from current and future programs of works.
  2. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to develop and implement a community engagement strategy to inform the community of the reasons for not progressing with a link road between Agnes Water and Baffle Creek.
  3. Advise the State and Federal Government the results of the survey with the two preferred options being 3a and 4/4a.
  4. Request that the General Manager Strategic Asset Performance prepare a report on upgrading the existing road network to improve flood immunity.

Council is currently putting together a scope of work to complete item 4. There will be continued engagement informing the community about the progress of the flood study for item 4.

For Council Meeting Minutes - Click Here