
Agnes Street Carpark development on hold pending the outcome of a Planning & Environment Court appeal

30 April 2021

Throughout 2020, Gladstone Regional Council carried out community engagement and subsequent concept planning in relation to the development of an overflow carpark at 5 Agnes Street, and ancillary works, to deliver on street parking along Jeffrey Court, Agnes Water. The works are proposed to address issues with parking limitations and to support tourism within the Agnes Water area.

In early 2021, Gladstone Regional Council received notice of an appeal against the development approval for the Agnes Street Overflow Carpark component of the Project (see:

The development approval cannot take effect unless, and until, an order approving it is made by the Planning & Environment Court on the appeal. It is anticipated that the appeal may take 18 months or more. The progression of the project for the 5 Agnes Street Overflow Carpark is on hold until the outcome of the appeal. If the appeal is successful in overturning Council’s development approval, the Carpark will be unable to proceed.

Prior to the appeal, Gladstone Regional Council obtained approval for Works for Queensland (W4Q) funding in relation to the 5 Agnes Street Overflow Carpark component of the Project conditional on construction being completed and the funding acquitted by 30 June 2021. Due to the Planning & Environment Court appeal, these conditions will be unable to be met by 30 June 2021, so rather than withdraw the funding the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning has agreed to re-direct Works for Queensland (W4Q) funding to the Captain Cook Drive roadworks.

The Transport and Tourism Connections (TTC) funding, proudly supplied by the Queensland Government, being additional funding approved for the construction of the overflow carpark at 5 Agnes Street has been extended until 30 June 2023 pending the outcome of the Planning & Environment Court appeal.

The Jeffrey Court on street parking component of the works were planned to be carried out parallel the Agnes Street Overflow Carpark, however, these works have been postponed. The completion date is expected to be 30 June 2023.