Project Overview
The proposed Agnes Water Beach Visitor Carpark improvement aims to provide the community with safer and more convenient access to the popular beach, help to ease congestion on the road and better care for the surrounding environment.
The proposed carpark includes 70 car parking spaces, landscaping both within the carpark and surrounds, and stormwater and environmental management processes to better manage the site and surrounding environment.
Key Benefits
Project Status
Council is progressing with a detailed design for a visitors carpark at 5 Agnes Street, Agnes Water.
Our project team has listened, and we are excited to share how the community’s feedback, together with conditions from the Planning and Environment Court, has influenced revisions to the previous designs.

Latest design as of November 2023. Not final design
The revised design for the overflow carpark includes:
- Maintaining the same footprint as the previous design while incorporating stormwater and environmental management processes to better manage the site and surrounding environment
- 70 car parking spaces with increased accessibility and on-street RV parking
- A suspended, reinforced concrete slab design to limit impact on the existing ecosystem by reducing the required earthworks and allowing natural stormwater flow
- A 6:1 ratio of parking spaces to trees to utilise natural shading options
- Controlled entrance and secured boundary to prevent after hours use (ie. Illegal camping)
- Acoustic fencing to reduce noise impact on neighbouring properties with an environmental considerate design to maintain existing tree along the boundary.
How do I join the conversations?
Council is seeking community feedback on key design elements for the Agnes Street carpark to ensure the finalised design is a community asset that benefits Agnes Water in both form and function.
Complete the survey below to tell us your preference on variety of design elements including potential locations for public art, fencing style, public seating options and more.
July 2020
Gladstone Regional Council proposed to construct a public car park on Council’s land at 5 Agnes Street and alter the existing on-street parking along Jeffery Court, Agnes Water. The proposal was to provide increased parking to:
- Alleviate current congestion and provide for current and future needs for visitors to the beach and surrounding businesses
- Improve visitor experience
- Improve safety and environmental outcomes for the site.
December 2020
On 1 December 2020, Council approved a Material Change of Use for the land to enable a carpark to be constructed on conditions contained in the Decision Notice (detailed design would need to be completed and operational works approval granted before construction). The approved Concept Design can be found here.
The proposed car park would include 73 car parking spaces. If was proposed that the existing open stormwater drains would be filled in, resulting in three small and three medium eucalypts and one small swamp box tree being removed; Council would clear weeds and plant replacement native trees and shrubs within the site; and the proposed concept design would also incorporates stormwater management and environmental management processes. There were no works proposed within the adjacent Beachouses Estate and the pond would not be drained.
January 2021
Two submitters lodged an appeal in the Planning and Environment Court seeking the development approval be set aside and the Court refuse the development. Further information is available here.
December 2021
One Appellant withdrew from the Appeal.
The Development Approval would only take effect if the Court made an order confirming approval (either by agreement between the parties or after a hearing).
Council complied with the directions of the Court in respect to engaging experts to provide reports with a summary of initial reports available here. A further report by Town Planning Experts was required by 2 December 2021, following which the parties to the appeal would participate in the without prejudice conference with the experts and Court registrar.
Prior to the appeal, Council obtained approval for Works for Queensland (W4Q) funding in relation to the 5 Agnes Street Overflow Carpark component of the Project conditional on construction being completed and the funding acquitted by 30 June 2021. Due to the Planning and Environment Court appeal, these conditions were unable to be met by 30 June 2021, so rather than withdraw the funding the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning agreed to re-direct Works for Queensland (W4Q) funding to the Captain Cook Drive roadworks.
The Transport and Tourism Connections (TTC) funding, proudly supplied by the Queensland Government, being additional funding approved for the construction of the overflow carpark at 5 Agnes Street was extended until 30 June 2023 pending the outcome of the Planning and Environment Court appeal.
March 2022
On 24 March 2022, after extended negotiations, Council and the Appellant reached a settlement of the Planning and Environment Court Appeal to allow the development permit for material change of use for the proposed car park subject to amended development conditions. This means the hearing was not required in the week beginning 4 April 2022.
Council is pleased to have resolved this matter to achieve an outcome that will allow the development permit to stand.
April 2022
Consent Judgement was delivered by the Court on 4 April 2022 and a copy is available here.
The approval is for Material Change of Use to enable a car park to be built on the land.
The changes to the conditions have not resulted in any changes to the proposed carpark footprint, but rather to bring forward conditions which would normally be included in the operational work permit and add some additional clauses around ecology and engineering issues to provide certainty to the community.
The parties sought consent judgement and the full details are available here. For more information on legal expenses incurred during this process click here.
April 2023
Council resumed work on the project beginning with geotechnical and soil fieldwork investigations between April and June 2023.
Completed geotechnical reports were provided to Council early June 2023 ahead of Council procuring consulting engineers for the project.
Consultants started working on the Concept Design in July 2023.
November 2023
Council continued to progress work on detailed design work for the Agnes Street Carpark and sought community input on several key design elements which would affect the aesthetics of the final carpark design.
Document Library
Statement of Evidence - Noise, Air Quality and Lighting Amenity - Paul King - 14 October 2021PDF (7.19 MB)
Statement of Evidence - Terrestrial Ecology - Justin Watson - 14 October 2021PDF (17.29 MB)
Statement of Evidence - Traffic and Parking - Steve Williams - 21 October 2021PDF (9.48 MB)
Statement of Evidence - Visual Amenity - Leslie Curtis - 21 October 2021PDF (4.57 MB)
Planning and Environment Court Judgement April 2022PDF (2.86 MB)
Notice of Decision - 8 December 2020 - DA 4 2020PDF (720.40 KB)
Legal Expenses Statement - Agnes Water Beach Visitor CarparkPDF (158.08 KB)
Concept Design Approved 01.12.20PDF (193.15 KB)
Concept Design - Aerial OverlayJPEG (132.86 KB)
Independent Review of Flooding and Stormwater Management - September 2021 - Neil Collins
Past Updates
Get In Touch
(07) 4970 0700
Council Offices:
101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680
5 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680
41 Blomfield Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677
Opening Hours:
8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday
Postal Address:
PO Box 29
Gladstone Qld 4680